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Site Screening

In order to identify potential project Study Areas, EMPower carried out a desk-based geographical information system (GIS) screening exercise in 2018. This identified all registered environmental designations, protected views, cultural and heritage sites and other areas of special sensitivity. These areas and their surrounds were not considered for future development.


Residential and commercial building locations were attained from Eircode’s database of 2.2 million address points. A buffer was applied to each building point, provisionally ensuring an adequate setback distance from each dwelling. This produced an output of multiple sites which were suitable in theory for development.


Prospective project Study Areas were subsequently cross referenced against Ireland’s wind resource and electricity grid infrastructure. This enabled the exclusion of some projects, whether due to insufficient wind resource or being an uneconomic distance from grid.


Of all short-listed sites, Tullaghmore was considered one of the most viable options. It was deemed a preferred project location for the following reasons:


  • High Wind Speeds

  • Available grid capacity in surrounding network which can be accessed. 


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