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Flora and Fauna

As part of the proposed Tullaghmore Wind Farm Environmental Impact Assessment, a detailed flora and fauna study will be conducted in order to understand the current biological conditions present at the Study Area, as well as the likely impacts of such a development on surrounding environments. Surveys include habitat mapping and targeted sampling of flora and non-avian fauna at a variety of survey points within different identified habitats on the Project's Study Area, as well as additional survey points along the transmission corridor. Timed species counts can be used to record resident fauna species at each survey point. These surveys are being carried out by the independent environmental and engineering consultancy Jennings O’Donovan & Partners Limited who are based in Sligo town.


Plant species will be recorded using baseline study investigations and any protected or endangered species will be noted. The final project design will avoid any sensitive habitats and mitigate by design where possible.


Impacts of wind farms on bird populations can occur through collisions, habitat loss, avoidance/barrier effects, disturbance displacement or exclusion, e.g. from breeding grounds or foraging areas. For this reason, EMPower take the utmost due care and diligence to ensure that any wind turbines are positioned to cause the minimum possible impact to the native bird populations well being and habitat. In line with industry best practice, EMPower will be conducting a minimum of 2 years bird surveys prior to submission of a planning application.


The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) promotes the development of wind energy in harmony with the natural environment.


“Switching to renewable energy now, rather than in ten or twenty years, is essential if we are to stabilise greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at safe levels. Wind power is the most advanced renewable technology, available at a large scale, over this time period. For this reason, RSPB supports a significant growth in offshore and onshore wind power generation in the UK.” – (Source: RSPB, 2019)


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